It is unnecessary to replace electrolyte loss during normal exercise. Only athletes, marathon runners and those who exercise intensely for 5 or 6 hours straight need a sports drink containing electrolytes.

Otherwise, plain water containing a trace of minerals is fine. That’s where mineral revitalization water purification systems come in.

Some of the steps used by treatment facilities can strip the minerals that are naturally present in our waters. Because of all the pollutants and chemical contaminants that need to be filtered out, minerals get filtered out, too.

Through a process called ion exchange, mineral revitalization water purification systems replace some of the contaminants, like lead ions for example, with electrolyte ions, like potassium. Now, some mineral revitalization water purification systems are very expensive, while others are very reasonably priced, so you have to shop carefully, if you are interested.

The more expensive companies typically make the most outrageous claims. One of these claims is that mineral water benefits the body through its antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Sodium, sodium chloride or salt does have mild antiseptic properties and can be used as a general cleanser. But not at the ionic level that exists in water.

Another of the claims is that mineral water benefits the body by cleansing it of toxins and breaking down waste material. First, let me say this. In order to be classified as “mineral-water”, there must be 250 parts per million of total dissolved solids and it must come from a spring or well that is geologically and physically protected. But, today, they say that even people with springs should have them tested, before drinking from them. Wells, too, are contaminated.

The problem is all of the chemicals and pollution that we have been spraying into the environment for so many years. Weed killers, bug spray and everything else ends up in the groundwater. I’m not sure if any pure drinking water naturally exists on our planet, anymore.

A lot of you probably think that the government is protecting the public’s health. The facilities test their tanks, right? Read the news. The Washington Post published an article about all of the facilities that “hide” their bad results and only send the good ones to the authorities.

That’s why I started I started buying Perrier pure drinking mineral water. But, then I found out that one year, the entire United States supply had to be recalled for benzene contamination.

Do you know what benzene is? I had to look it up. First of all, it causes cancer, but they use it to make drugs, plastics, rubber, dyes and all kinds of different things. So, it’s all over the world. So, there went my theory about Perrier being pure drinking mineral water.

You might not believe all of the health problems that benzene can cause. They are listed as vomiting, irritation of the stomach, dizziness, sleepiness, convulsions and death. Even inhaling the fumes can cause drowsiness, dizziness, rapid heart beat, headaches, tremors, confusion and unconsciousness. And, that’s at low levels. At high levels breathing air that has benzene in it causes death.

So, what was the stuff doing in my pure drinking water? The company could never explain the “source of contamination”. embotelladoras